A weak values approach for testing simultaneous Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen elements of reality for non-commuting observables

Omar Calderón-Losada, Tonatiuh T. Moctezuma Quistian, Hector Cruz-Ramirez, Sebastián Murgueitio Ramirez, Alfred B. U’Ren, Alonso Botero and Alejandra Valencia
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Implementation and characterization of a controllable dephasing channel based on coupling polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light

Daniel f. Urrego, Juan-Rafael Álvarez, Omar Calderón-Losada, Jiří Svozilík, Mayerlin Nuñez, and Alejandra Valencia.
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Correlation control for pure and efficiently generated heralded single photons

Tunable beam displacer
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Demonstration of a highly-sensitive tunable beam displacer with no use of beam deflection based on the concept of weak value amplification
Luis José Salazar-Serrano, David A. Guzmán, Alejandra Valencia, y Juan P. Torres
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Contrasting classical probability concepts with quantum mechanical behavior in the undergraduate laboratory
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Reconstrucción experimental para los grados de libertad de polarización y camino: un paso hacia la codificación de dos qubits en un solo fotón
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Observation of spectral interference for any path difference in an interferometer
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Quantum-correlated two-photon transitions to excitons in semiconductor quantum wells
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